Sunday, December 10, 2017

Fun Circle Stories and a December *FREEBIE*

Snow has finally come and with the snow bring CIRCLE STORIES to my classroom.

We have been studying Laura Numeroff’s “If you Give a” circle stories and are going to start writing our own based on fun holiday themes next week!  If you want to join the fun with your class click the link above to the packet!
I started by reading a lot of Laura Numeroff’s books and discussing cause and effect.  If you have Amazon Prime, there are a couple videos based on these books on there, as well as a Christmas themed one! J

We wrote “If you Give Santa A Cookie” all together and made a class book out of it.  Now they are going to start making their OWN circle stories titled “If you give a Reindeer a Root beer”

The reason that I wanted everyone to write that book is because for their parents holiday gifts this year they are painting reindeers and we are putting them into frames (very easy and 8x10 frames are from the Dollar Tree)

This is the BLOG that I got the idea from and where you can find all the instructions (they are SUPER cute)

We have also been reading "Snowmen at Night" and other books from that series


After reading the book, we brainstormed what we would do if we were a "Snowman at Night" and wrote a story about it.

I made a copy of their short stories (they were very creative) and put them into a class book. They love to have their writing stay in the classroom all year and reread it.  It also seems that they work way harder on writing that they know will be in a class book and that kids will be reading throughout the year.


The writing that they came up with we also posted with a fun shaving cream craft to make sparkly snowmen.  

To make the snowmen, I put half and half of white glue and shaving cream into a cup.  I had the kids mix it up really well with paint brushes that I didn't care about. Then they formed snowmen (all differently).  I sprayed the whole thing with Scotch Glue Spray (from Amazon) and topped it off with big glitter.  For all of the glitter steps and product information, I used this blog.  Then they are able to put the google eyes on.  It is messy, but SO worth it.

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