Thursday, October 27, 2016

Witches Brew Writing!!

So for a couple years now, we've been doing something with Witch's Brew for Halloween in the class.  I found this cute little Witches Brew pack on Teacher's Pay Teachers (this seller also has some other great stuff!)...and since then I have done something related to Witch's Brew on Halloween.

This year we made a Class Book out of it!  It was actually my favorite Witch's Brew activity yet because I am teaching Narrative Writing and I linked it to that.  We wrote a beginning to the Witch's Brew story as a class.  This is what the kids came up with:

Then I had groups/partners work together to make their individual stories to go in the book.  They all STARTED out their stories with:

"Meanwhile (they chose characters, a spooky setting and time, and how their character's stumbled upon their "ingredient" that they chose to add to the brew)

They all ENDED each of their stories with:

"So the  (character(s)  put the (ingredient)  into the witch's cauldron and stirred the pot!"

My favorite part though, was that my kids have been struggling writing ENDINGS to their stories and this was a fun and engaging way to discuss endings of stories and we wrote one together!!  We even made the ending to our story TEACH our reader's a lesson! :)  They lead the way and our class book turned out awesome...I could not have thought of a better ending myself!  This was the ending that the kids came up with (we wrote it as a class):

I love how they came up with a "moral of the story" all on their own and definitely ended the story. Writing endings is actually what a lot of my writer's have been leaving off in their narratives and I really think that they understood it after we wrote this ending together with the Witch's Brew story!

We are going to read the class book on halloween together.  Each group will read their story that they wrote in the book with a flashlight in the dark while they add the "ingredient" that they wrote about it to the cauldron.  Then we will EAT the witch's brew!!!! :) 

Here is the cover that I made for our class book to for FREE HERE

We did alter the ingredients in our Witch's Brew a bit (only to accommodate for food allergies)...these were the ingredients we used for the brew (this is the sign up I had out for Backpack Night/Open House):

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